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Native JS Classes in Neon

ยท 2 min read

This article contains references to an outdated version of neon

Last weekend I landed a PR that adds support for defining custom native classes in Neon. This means you can create JavaScript objects that internally wrap---and own---a Rust data structure, along with methods that can safely access the internal Rust data.

As a quick demonstration, suppose you have an Employee struct defined in Rust:

pub struct Employee {    id: i32,    name: String,    // etc ...}

You can expose this to JS with the new declare_types! macro:

declare_types! {
    /// JS class wrapping Employee records.    pub class JsEmployee for Employee {
        init(call) {            let scope = call.scope;            let id = try!(try!(call.arguments.require(scope, 0)).check::<JsInteger>());            let name = try!(try!(call.arguments.require(scope, 1)).to_string());            // etc ...            Ok(Employee {                id: id.value() as i32,                name: name.value(),                // etc ...            })        }
        method name(call) {            let scope = call.scope;            let this: Handle<JsEmployee> = call.arguments.this(scope);            let name = try!(vm::lock(this, |employee| {                  });            Ok(try!(JsString::new_or_throw(scope, &name[..])).upcast())        }    }

This defines a custom JS class whose instances contain an Employee record. It binds JsEmployee to a Rust type that can create the class at runtime (i.e., the constructor function and prototype object). The init function defines the behavior for allocating the internals during construction of a new instance. The name method shows an example of how you can use vm::lock to borrow a reference to the internal Rust data of an instance.

From there, you can extract the constructor function and expose it to JS, for example by exporting it from a native module:

register_module!(m, {    let scope = m.scope;    let class = try!(JsEmployee::class(scope));       // get the class    let constructor = try!(class.constructor(scope)); // get the constructor    try!(m.exports.set("Employee", constructor));     // export the constructor});

Then you can use instances of this type in JS just like any other object:

const { Employee } = require('./native');
const lumbergh = new Employee(9001, "Bill Lumbergh");console.log(; // Bill Lumbergh

Since the methods on Employee expect this to have the right binary layout, they check to make sure that they aren't being called on an inappropriate object type. This means you can't segfault Node by doing something like:{});

This safely throws a TypeError exception just like methods from other native classes like Date or Buffer do.

Anyway, that's a little taste of user-defined native classes. More docs work to do!